Alongside high academic standards and expectations, we also provide an emotionally and intellectually supportive environment, allowing pupils to develop independent, creative, and unbounded thinking. We encourage innovation and creativity in all areas of the curriculum, believing that imagination, perspective, and boldness are as applicable in history, science, or maths as in music or art.
At the heart of Bryanston’s approach is our distinctive method of education, the Bryanston Method. It has been the keystone of the School’s philosophy since our foundation in 1928, tailored to the needs and interests of each pupil. There is no Bryanston ‘type’ – we want our pupils to think for themselves.
Pastoral care sits at the heart of everything we do, and the Pastoral and the Academic integrate through the Bryanston one-to-one tutorial system. Each pupil is carefully matched to their tutor and the relationship lasts for the duration of the pupil’s years at Bryanston. The tutor guides each tutorial pupil in becoming responsible for their own learning and discusses their wellbeing and progress at the weekly one-to-one tutorial. They help pupils plan and manage their deadlines and priorities across the week and encourage independence. Over time, the tutor also supports them through key moments in their education, such as option choices, exams, and university applications. At all times, they act as each pupil’s champion and advocate.
Our goal is to send Bryanston pupils out into the world equipped with a confidence built not only upon academic qualifications, but also upon values and a raft of personal skills and qualities, as well as with an ability to contribute positively to society.
View our 1 to 1 tutorial system
View our 1 to 1 tutorial system

Our goal is to send Bryanston pupils out into the world equipped with a confidence built not only upon academic qualifications, but also upon values and a raft of personal skills and qualities, as well as with an ability to contribute positively to society.
The Bryanston curriculum is deliberately broad. Distinctively, we do not operate a timetable using fixed ‘blocks’, which would force pupils to choose between subjects. Each pupil can explore their own choices at GCSE and beyond.
In the sixth form, pupils may choose between A levels or the IB programmes. In every subject, to support their lessons, each pupil has a weekly one-to-one or small group session to review progress and develop learning. The pupils are expected to be proactive in these sessions and bring questions, ideas, and work to discuss.
Attainment is measured using national exam specification grading in interim reports on the Chart, and then in end-of-term reports, produced by subject teachers, tutors and houseparents.
In addition to their lessons, all pupils have timetabled assignment periods during the week. At these times, they choose a study space in which to work on their tasks and where there is always a teacher supervising and available for help.
The outcomes of weekly assignments and classwork are recorded on the Bryanston Chart. Marks for attitude to learning and engagement are recorded every week in every subject: these are visible to tutors and parents. In addition, teachers’ comments can be seen on the Chart and inform part of the weekly tutorial discussion. Late work and merits are also registered on the Chart, for tutors and heads of year to monitor.
View our Teaching & Learning blog
View the Headmaster's blog
View our Teaching & Learning blog
View the Headmaster's blog

In summary: key points about the Bryanston Method
Bryanston has high academic standards and expectations of every pupil.
The curriculum is wide-ranging – there are no rigid timetable blocks.
The bespoke 1-to-1 tutorial system is at the heart of a Bryanston education.
The Chart allows pupils, staff, and parents to monitor progress & engagement
Innovation & creativity are encouraged in all subjects, be it maths, chemistry, or music.
The development of curiosity, independent learning and responsibility are key aspects of the approach.
There is a high level of support and structure, particularly in D (Year 9) in order to enable a successful transition into Bryanston.
The pupils at Bryanston are given the level of structure and support appropriate to their specific year group, be that emotional, pastoral, or academic.
Pupils develop a creative, curious, innovative and analytical approach. They are encouraged to ask questions and to challenge convention intelligently.
Problem solving and critical thinking are also encouraged in all subjects.
Our pupils achieve impressive value-added scores and public examination results without compromising academic ambition or breadth of experience.
How does our approach benefit our pupils?
Our pupils leave Bryanston confident in their own skin, clear on what they stand for, with a strong sense of responsibility and a desire to contribute to society.
Pupils learn to communicate confidently, sensitively and effectively with adults and peers, and to manage their time efficiently.
Employers and former pupils (OBs) tell us that the challenges of both university and the workplace were made easier to tackle because of our emphasis on accountability, independence, and individual responsibility.
In summary:
The Bryanston Method
1. Bryanston has high academic standards and expectations of every pupil.
2. The curriculum is wide ranging – there are no rigid timetable blocks.
3. The bespoke one-to-one tutorial system is at the heart of a Bryanston education.
4. The Chart allows pupils, staff and parents to monitor progress and engagement.
5. Innovation and creativity are encouraged in all subjects, be it design, chemistry, or music.
6. The development of curiosity, independent learning and responsibility are key aspects of the approach.
7. There is a high level of support and structure, particularly in D (Year 9) in order to enable a successful transition to Bryanston.